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Bouquets & Wreaths

Our collection of bouquets and wreaths made from natural dried flowers are most requested for weddings. Add some everlasting dried flower wreath on your front door and walls for a beautiful welcoming display. However, bouquets can be added to a decorative vase for an elegant arrangement any time of year, such as for mothers day, valentines day, birthdays or anniversaries. Wedding bouquets made from sola wood flowers and from natural dried flowers are becoming increasingly popular. A dried floral wreath is an excellent way to freshen up your space with high quality dried and preserved flowers and will last forever.

We are happy to make a bunch of flowers which are attractively arranged for a bouquet combination of your choice. Bouquets are often given for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries or funerals. A wreath adds beauty and color to the season hanging a wreath on the door of your home. They are the easiest decoration for your home and a wonderful gift to your partner, friends and relatives.

BW17 Skeleton Ring

BW18 Moss Ring

BW19 Lata Ring

BW20 Lata Brown Ring

BW21 Palm Heart

BW22 Sola Chips Ring

BW23 Sola Rope Ring

BW24 Sola Cabbage Ring

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